My name is Yariv Hastilow but I am in fact English. I'm male,
20, and in my second year at
Warwick University where I'm
studying Maths with Computing. Unlike most students, I am NOT
drinking vast quantities of beer, because I hate the stuff. I
much prefer poncey drinks, but since I don't usually drink much
alcohol in any case, this doesn't matter a great deal. I won't describe myself physically, not
because I have an inferiority complex or anything, but because
that isn't an important thing about me.
Some important things
about me are: I support
This is boring. I don't want to read about you any more. I only
came here by mistake anyway. I'm going back to the
main page.
West Bromwich Albion despite the fact
that I know they aren't very good, I love techno music
(electronica to Americans) including the amazing
Orbital, and
I've read nearly all the books ever written by Terry Pratchett.
There are lots of other things I could tell you about myself but
I expect you're bored enough already. So you'll just have to