6) Nigunim

Written for the Jewish New Year, which starts in the Autumn.

Click here to listen to a sample of this song

Lyrics: Rachel
Music: David Zehavi
Singing with guitar: Miri

The melodies I always carry close to my heart are the ones I’ve learned from you my mother and father. A Shabbat song, a lullaby, in sadness and laughter, you are with me through the songs.

Shetaltem nigunim bi imi veavi
nigunim mizmorim shekhukhim
Garinim garinim nesaam levavi
Ata hem olim vetzomkhim
Ata hem sholkhim porot bedami
Shorsheihem beorkai sheluvim
Nigunekha avi veshiraikh imi
Be dofki neorim veshavim

Hine ahage shir ersi harakhok
Hibia shir em elei bat
Hine li tizharna bedema uskhok
Eaykha uzmirot shel shabat
Kol hege yetam vekhol tzlil yealem
Bi kolkhem harakhok ki yehom
Enai eetzom vaharaini itkhem
Meal lekheshkhat hatehom
